Mittwoch, 10. August 2016

Andreas Kaplan, Professor, ESCP Europe Business School

Andreas M. Kaplan is Professor of Marketing and Communications at ESCP Europe, where he currently serves as the Dean for Academic Affairs as part of the School's executive committee. Previously, he held the position of the Director of Brand and Communications and was elected Head of the Faculty's marketing department. Furthermore, Professor Kaplan is part of the steering committee of heSam University, a cluster of several well-known institutions for research and higher education in the humanities and social sciences, regrouping approximately 60,000 students and 3,000 academics. Before joining ESCP Europe, Andreas started his career as marketing professor at the ESSEC Business School and Sciences Po Paris.

Professor Kaplan's research mainly deals with analysing and decrypting social media and viral marketing, domains in which he consults national and international companies. His article “Users of the World, Unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media", which defines and classifies social media, was ranked first for three years in a row in ScienceDirect's annual list of the ‘25 Hottest Business Management Articles’ (measured by article downloads). In 2013 this publication achieved first place across all of the 24 core subject areas of the ScienceDirect database, containing approximately 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and 12.5 million articles. In addition, Professor Kaplan won the Best Article Award from Business Horizons for his paper in the area of "Mobile Social Media".

Andreas Kaplan is particularly interested in the future of management education and the general business school landscape. Notably, he has written an article titled "European Management and European Business Schools", defining and exploring management in Europe. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education and is highly active in the field. Moreover, Professor Kaplan is a member of the editorial boards of Business Horizons, the International Journal on Media Management, and RAM (Recherche et Applications en Marketing) and has a regular column on the French blog of the Harvard Business Review.

Professor Kaplan completed his Habilitation (post-doctoral qualification for Ph.D. supervisor) at the Sorbonne Graduate Business School (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) and his Ph.D. at the University of Cologne in co-operation with HEC School of Management. He holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA; French National School of Public Administration), an MSc from ESCP Europe, and a BSc from the University of Munich. Additionally, Andreas was visiting Ph.D. at INSEAD and participated in the International Teachers Programme (ITP) at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Andreas M. Kaplan est enseignant-chercheur en Marketing et Communication à ESCP Europe où il est actuellement Directeur Académique au sein du Comité Exécutif de l’école. Précédemment, il occupait la fonction de Directeur de la Marque et de la Communication et était coordinateur élu du département Marketing du corps professoral. Le Professeur Kaplan est membre du comité de pilotage de héSam Université,  pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales qui regroupe environ 60.000 étudiants et 3000 académiques. Avant de rejoindre ESCP Europe, Andreas Kaplan a commencé sa carrière en tant que professeur à l’ESSEC Business School et à Sciences Po Paris.

La recherche du professeur Kaplan repose notamment sur l'analyse et le décryptage des médias sociaux et du marketing viral, domaines pour lesquels il propose des services de consulting auprès des entreprises nationales et internationales. Son article « Users of the World, Unite ! The challenges and opportunities of social media » qui définit et classifie les Médias Sociaux, a obtenu trois années de suite la première place dans la liste des 25 « Hottest Business Management Articles » de Science Direct. En 2013, cette publication a décroché la 1ère place des articles les plus téléchargés, parmi la totalité des 24 domaines de Science Direct, base de données de recherches scientifiques avec environ 2500 revues évaluées par les pairs et 12,5 millions d’articles. De plus, le professeur Kaplan a gagné le Prix du Meilleur Article par Business Horizons pour sa publication dans le domaine des « Médiaux Sociaux Mobiles ».

Andreas Kaplan s'intéresse particulièrement aux évolutions du secteur de l'enseignement, au management et à l’environnement des écoles de commerce. Il a notamment écrit l’article intitulé « European Management and European Business Schools », définissant le « management européen ». Il est membre des comités de lecture du Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, Business Horizons, Décisions marketing, International Journal on Media Management, et Recherche et Applications en Marketing. Enfin, il publie régulièrement sur le blog français de la Harvard Business Review.

Professeur Kaplan a soutenu son mémoire d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Il a effectué son doctorat à l'Université de Cologne et à HEC School of Management Paris. Andreas est un ancien élève de l'Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), diplômé de ESCP Europe, et titulaire d'un Bachelor of Science de l'Université de Munich. Il était doctorant associé à l'INSEAD et a participé à l’International Teachers Programme (ITP) à la Kellogg School of Management, Université de Northwestern.

Andreas Kaplan, specialista nel settore dei social media, è Professore di Marketing all’ESCP Europe dove riveste attualmente l’incarico di Direttore Europe del Brand e della Comunicazione. Già Direttore del dipartimento di Marketing, Andreas ha iniziato la sua carriera come professore di marketing all’ESSEC Business School e Sciences Po Paris.
L’opera di ricerca del Professor Kaplan si focalizza principalmente nell’analisi e decodificazione dei social media; nel 2013, ha vinto il Premio per il miglior articolo dell’anno dalla rivista economica Business Horizons grazie al suo articolo sui "Mobile Social Media". Con il titolo di: “Users of the World, Unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media”, l’articolo propone una definizione e una classifica dei Social Media, raggiungendo anche il primo posto nel ranking annuale di Science Direct dei 25 articoli più popolari in Business Management sia 2011 che 2012 (per numero di download). La pubblicazione inoltre si è classificata seconda tra le 24 aree di interesse accademico del database di Science Direct con circa 2,500 riviste revisionati (peer-review).
Andreas M. Kaplan ha realizzato, inoltre, una ricerca nelle aree di customer lifetime value, mass customization e marketing del settore pubblico. Oltre a 'Principi di Marketing', Andreas insegna 'Pubblicità e Media', 'Marketing Politico e Pubblico ', e 'Social Media e Marketing Virale’.
Il Professor Kaplan ha ottenuto la sua abilitazione (HDR; la qualifica di post-dottorato francese per Ph.D. supervisor) alla Sorbonne Graduate Business School (Università di Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) e il suo Ph.D. all’Università di Colonia in collaborazione con HEC School of Management Paris. Ha ottenuto un Master in Amministrazione Pubblica (MPA) a l’École Nationale d'Administration (ENA; Scuola Nazionale Francese di Amministrazione Pubblica), un MSc a ESCP Europe, e un BSc all’Universitò di Monaco. Andreas, inoltre, è stato visiting Ph.D. al INSEAD e ha partecipato al International Teachers Programme (ITP) alla  Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Social Media Spezialist Andreas Kaplan ist Professor für Marketing an der Wirtschaftshochschule ESCP Europe. Des Weiteren ist er in seiner Rolle als Direktor für Branding und Kommunikation für die Hochschulkommunikation und das Marketing der ESCP Europe über ihre fünf Standorte hinweg verantwortlich. Zuvor war Professor Kaplan Leiter des Fachbereiches Marketing. Seine Karriere als Professor für Marketing begann Dr. Kaplan an der ESSEC Business School und der Sciences Po Paris.
Die Forschung von Professor Kaplan befasst sich hauptsächlich mit der Analyse und der Entschlüsselung Sozialer Medien. 2013 gewann Dr. Kaplan den Business Horizons Best Article Award für seine Arbeit im Gebiet der mobilen Sozialen Medien. Sein Artikel “Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media” wurde zwei Jahre in Folge (2011 und 2012) zum Science Direct "Hottest Business Management" Artikel gekürt (gemessen an der Anzahl der Artikel Downloads). Zusätzlich erreichte dieser Artikel, der eine Definition und Klassifikation für Soziale Medien beinhaltet, den zweiten Platz über alle 24 Fachbereiche der Science Direct Datenbank hinweg, die circa 2.500 Zeitschriften umfasst.
Darüber hinaus forscht Andreas M. Kaplan in den Bereichen der Kundenbewertung, Mass Customization und des Marketing im öffentlichen Sektor. Neben 'Grundlagen des Marketings', unterrichtet Professor Kaplan 'Kommunikation und Medien', 'Politisches Marketing und Marketing im öffentlichen Sektor', als auch 'Soziale Medien und Viral Marketing'.
Professor Andreas M. Kaplan habilitierte an der Sorbonne (Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) und promovierte an der Universität zu Köln in Kooperation mit der HEC School of Management Paris. Er hält einen Master of Public Administration (MPA) der École Nationale d'Administration (ENA; französische Verwaltungshochschule), einen MSc der ESCP Europe und einen BSc der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Zusätzlich, war Professor Kaplan Visiting PhD am INSEAD und nahm am International Teachers Programme (ITP) der Kellogg School of Management, Universität Northwestern, teil.

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